NatGat 2014 Press Release

Occupy gathers!
For the third year, the Occupy movement invites all to gather together to review the year, share knowledge and skills, celebrate successes and analyze disappointments, and prepare for another year of fighting for the better world that we all know is possible.
From Philadelphia in 2012 to Kalamazoo last summer, and this year in Sacramento (July 31 through August 3), Occupy has been heading west, bringing its hopeful, resistant message. We are the 99%—so we say, but are we really? 
On July 30, the day before the gathering, independent yet connected, there is an anti-racism training customized for the movement by the Catalyst Project: Antiracism Training for Collective Liberation. The training is designed primarily for white folks, who often think that they are unaffected by white privilege, that they are beyond the bigotry of past generations—we may be surprised at the unacknowledged baggage that we carry, and we are sure to look at the world from a wider perspective after spending time together examining things we rarely take the time to consider. Special thanks to Delphine Brody for honoring the undone business of Occupy National Gathering 2013, which never quite pulled off a similar suggested training.  Space for that is limited, so e-mail us to sign up—but the gathering itself will be held primarily on the grounds of Capitol Park: north side Thursday and Sunday, west side on Friday, so there is plenty of room for all!
The easiest way to get all the information, or to contribute in kind, monetary or in person help,  is on the NatGat2014 Hub on InterOccupy; we are also on Twitter and celly@NatGat2014. Already confirmed are a panel discussion on Environmental Justice, focusing on nuclear, water, and big oil, with a Native American perspective: speakers include Chief Caleen Sisk and Moke Sisha, as well as Faye Kennedy, John Kraintz, and Jan Rein; music by Fresh Juice Party; a memorial for Occupyers lost this year, including Monique Robinson; activist Darryl Cherney presenting the film Who Bombed Judi Ban?; workshops by Alternatives to Violence; and much more.
Nancy Mancias will reprise her role from “NatGat2012”, the first Occupy National Gathering in Philadelphia, and again co-facilitate the FemGA on Friday evening—a general assembly facilitated from a feminist perspective. There will be a giant puppet hands workshop by Sacramento’s own William Spirit, and a Debtors’ Assembly led by Daniel Hong from Occupy Portland, who organized the I-5 Caravan from the Cascades.  In these days of government overreach, there is also a Know Your Rights presentation by Claire White of the National Lawyers’ Guild.
For those who cannot attend in person, look for livestreaming—we have 3 confirmed streamers coming, including Patti Beers and Clark Sullivan, who will be leading teach-ins for those who want to livestream their own events. Punk Boy, the Los Angeles livestreamer whose radio show recently included three Occupy National Gathering organizers, will also be coming to the gathering. There is also the possibility of a few sessions from remote locations: Mark Taylor-Canfield, from Seattle, on Press Freedom In the United States, and Jan Spencer, from Eugene, Oregon, on Suburban Permaculture—the dream of the ’50s and ’60s has become the nightmare of the ’00s, but with planning we can reclaim the land and create healthier, sustainable options.  Coming from East Oakland, California, is Pancho Ramos-Stierle, speaking on Guerrilla Gardening, Occupy the Farm, and Disobeying with Great Love.
The Occupy National Gathering begins with a sunrise blessing by William Underbaggage of the Inigendous Nations Network. There will be times for skillshares, teach-ins, and topical discussions, created by Occupyers — a favorite of the first two gatherings; open space for spontaneous discussion, artwork and activism; and speaker’s corners including poetry and the spoken word. A custom workshop will be held Friday afternoon: Say It Loud! by the San Francisco Mime Troupe (performing in Sacramento’s Southside Park on Saturday and Sunday of Occupy National Gathering Week). Saturday night has time to Step Up, Step Back: Occupy facilitators will actively encourage those who have not done public speaking before to find their voice and practice what they’ve learned from the Mime Troupe.
From the Overpass Light Brigades to the closing GA, there will be lots happening in Sacramento from July 31 through August 3—we are going back to our roots; we know that the world is watching: This Occupation Is Not Leaving! Come join us! 


Bradley and Julia celebrate the arrival of the South East Caravan to the West.

Bradley and Julia celebrate the arrival of the South East Caravan to the West.


Julia Clark, of the JCO and one founder of the Culling Corruption Campaigns celebrates with Brad Mastin, activist and BLM specialist, the arrival of the South East Caravan to California.

Julia Clark,  the JCO and a founder of the Culling Corruption Campaigns celebrates with Brad Mastin, long time activist and BLM specialist, the arrival of the South East Caravan to California.

Key Project Update – South East Caravan Occupy National Gathering

Recap 07/07/2014


On June 2, 2014, the JCO ( The Julia Clark Organization ) began the South East Caravan to the Occupy National Gathering in Twin City, GA. For a month Julia test ran camping in the revamped 1969 pop-up RV. She named the pop-up The Rig. The Rig was designed created by Jim Parker.

Jim and Julia

He is non-digital supporter of the Campaigns. His beliefs run toward the Tea Party temperature, but he realizes that the Tea Party was a farce created by the global corporate conglomerates that have no interest in addressing issues faced by the average citizen of the USA.


The Rig is a tiny mobile office that is painted brown and beige with plain functional features. Preparing for the road was a practice in prediction. With a former homeland security police cruiser as the tow vehicle, what could be packed was very limited.


The second dry run was in Swainsboro, GA. The Braswell’s hosted the Caravan Campaign until June 18th. The plan was to pack and repack five times before setting out for the full run. Plus the power package was to be installed in Swainsboro by Chris’s Automotive Electrical. Two weeks go by fast, much of the time was spent wrapping up loose ends, tending to fine details on the mobile office, and acclimatizing Greenbean, the watchdog of the JCO, to children, other dogs, and people. Greenbean’s disposition from the haunted condemned house in Twin City was near miraculous and attested to the haunting of the house in Twin City.


Late on the 18th of June the JCO pulled out of Swainsboro, GA bound for Jeffersonville, GA. Julia had gotten a ticket the day she had picked up the camper from Mr. Parker. The first night free from any tethers.

The last shot before Julia left Swainsboro, GA



Julia got into Jeffersonville, GA just after midnight. She parked the cruiser and rig in a clear spot in front of the court-house. Her and Greenbean, the JCO’s canine colleague, settled down for a long nap until dawn. They were awaken about 3 AM by the police chief of Jeffersonville. He said that a burglar alarm had went off in the court house and that he was checking the perimeters and was uncertain of my vehicle and rig. Julia explained who, what, where, why, and how to the chief. He listened with interest and asked involved questions about the Occupations and Campaigns. He left Julia with his approval and the proper place to park after 8 AM.


Court went very well for Julia and thus the JCO. It also provided a brief platform to discuss the Campaigns and the Occupations. The judge showed what interest he could from the bench and agreed the seriousness of the state of affairs. He reduced the ticket due to hardship. The court staff was wonderful and very interested in hearing more. Julia intended to follow-up, but Occupy Macon would flake out and remove that opportunity.


Occupy Macon had been contacted prior to arrival. There appeared to be two active people in the Occupation, Dr. Holiday and Mr. Homes. One was a dentist and the other worked at a coffee-house. Julia contacted both. The dentist never returned any calls. And the one from the coffee-house said he was in contact with the dentist. Mr. Homes assured the JCO all was well and there would be a place to camp. Mr. Homes sounded delighted to hear from another Occupant. However, this proved to be a farce. When Julia contacted Mr. Homes to get clearance and directions, he laughed and said, “Guess you’ll have to stay at the Walmart parking lot”


This was a bit crushing to Julia. She had not arranged for a plan B. And was caught off guard by the caviler attitude of Mr. Homes. Julia forged westward.


Julia took refuge in Forsyth, GA. Sleep deprivation was setting in and she could go no further. The plan had been to make contact the next Occupy to visit while camped at Occupy Macon. She had not planned of forging ahead so quickly. In her sleep depraved state, she contacted Brush Creek Park. Brush Creek Park sounded great. However, strange things were afoot.


Steve, the would-not-give-his-last-name park ranger, said he was an activist from the 80’s That he had worked to clean up Chattahoochee River by being a negotiator, that he was a big peace advocate, plus he had worked with Native Americans. He elaborated on the negotiator part while Julia was there. He said that he had accepted a large check from Georgia Power and used it to take reporters down the Chattahoochee River, thus bringing media attention and getting the river cleaned by this media. He said that his organization had won a 10 million dollar lawsuit against Georgia Power. He went on to say that his organization had produced a magazine, which was available on-line, but he did not say the name of the magazine. He made a great effort to empress upon Julia Clark his activist work, while at the same time belittling her, her work and the Occupations. At one point during a particularly strange conversation, Steve became insistent that the Occupations did not exist, explaining that he had searched for them after a main stream media sweep of regional Occupations and could not find them.


One of the first hints that things were fallacious , besides Julia’s GPS being hijacked, was occurred when she arrived. Steve asked her, “What kind of corruption are you against?” She thought little of it at the time and explaining the JCO’s stance on vice, such as marijuana. Steve gave the feeling to Julia that she was not welcomed, yet also saying he wanted to do interviews about his activism. Steve, finally allowed her into the camp. She had little choice, her internet and phones were behaving strangely to say the least, she needed to get her bearings, plus funds were running low.


Julia sets up camp and by now is beginning to realize how difficult the mobile office is to set up. She tries the phones, it says 3G, but there is no connection. Julia would later realize how strange that was.

After a 24 hour sleep, she realizes there is something very incredulous about Steve. It is at this time that all communications begin to cease, except for sporadic connections. Steve confronted Julia again that all was wrong with her and the Occupations during this confrontation, her favorite cup fell and broke when Steve pushed Greenbean. The broken cup came to be symbolic and was never touched by her or Greenbean while she packed to make her way to the distant town of Franklin, GA.


Steve had lead on that all of Franklin, which according to him was in a very small county of only 12,000 was against the Occupations. This was untrue. The everyone Julia met was supportive of the Occupy. All that she spoke with agreed, something strange was afoot at Brush Creek Park. With no paper map, Julia reached out to all the Occupants on her phone list. Mr. William Hong while in the middle of a very serious long-planned 99riser’s event, guided Julia to the closest town Carrollton, GA.


Julia camped until dawn in the Walmart parking lot, reflecting on the irony that she was now camping in an Walmart parking lot after the laughter of Occupy Macon. By now, she really realize how impractical the Mobile Office was as a camper.


She also decided, maybe the back-roads to Sacramento, California was not a good idea, even if it was only 10 hours more driving time. It seemed like such a good endeavor when in Jeffersonville, Georgia. However, clearly it was fought with honey traps or so it seemed to her at that moment.


Forging westward with a tank of gas and some fresh supplies, she was going to get as far as that would take her. She wanted to to get across Alabama without getting Alabama soil on her shoes. It was a symbolic gesture to broken alliances. Alliances from her past that proved to be ignoble.


She made it across the state-line with barely gas to spare. She made it to a small fish camp in a town so small it is not on the map. By this time she had come to realize that if she stated where she was at openly on her media assets that her internet would be interrupted. So announcing where she was and details was no longer an option. She was going to have to reformulate a new plan.


Wonderfully though strange that it was, she had a nice sign from nature by way of Canadian Geese in South Mississippi during June. It begins with an Occupant named Justin Stone-Diaz. Justin is known for just under the rim sabotage or subterfuge sabotage. He always has an apology ready at hand and a defensive just misunderstood excuse for his antics. This time Justin had created a picture for the Occupy National Gathering with Canadian Geese. No one pointed out the Canada connection and it had not registered with Julia either. She stood up for the picture because it fit well with her rural trek. When Julia saw the geese at the fish camp, she thought of the picture with pleasure. She snapped some photos and posted, “Occupants from the National Gathering saying good morning” Later she made cover art for the JCO youtube channel and other derivative pictures for others to use. Then Canadian Occupants noticed and wailed. Nevertheless, the Canadian Geese in South Mississippi was a nice gesture from nature.


Julia planned to stay at the fish camp for ten days. She needed the rest, had some serious restructuring work needing to be done, plus getting caught up on letters, posts and documents. It was here that she realized without a doubt The Rig was majorly over weight because she noticed the heel of her docksiders had melted. And it was not working as planned, she just could not set it up in a good fashion. She camped and began sorting through what she had brought. It was then she realized that glassware was heavy, impractical, and not at all practical or romantic. All the glassware had to be left behind. She would also decide leave behind the two end walls.


Flat # one

Setting up camp proved to be extra difficult. It had to be set two times. The first time a neighboring camper helped. The second time the whole camp assisted. The second time the camper had developed a strong lean. The lean was because one of the trailer tires had gone flat. Julia, the fish camp staff, and fellow campers tried to compensate the lean by jacking up one side of the camper. It didn’t work, so the tire was going to have to be changed. Fortunately, the tire was easily fixed. The next flat was not going to be as easy.


During the first days there her neighbor to the west thought it would be a good idea to allow her in heat chihuahua to pee in the Greenbean’s area and blame it on her neighbor’s dog to the East. Greenbean is a 90 pound primitive dog, who had just learned to lift his leg to pee two weeks earlier. The poor beast became love-sick from this bored woman’s taunting with her chihuahua. Greenbean became wildly rebellious, quit eating his food, and constant frothing.


Then the neighbor to the west came home with her dog.


The neighbor to the west dog was actually a male. That proved to be too much for Greenbean. Julia and Greenbean got into a vicious battle for power and control. Ultimately, Julia would win the battle because Greenbean would come to be castrated because of a begrimed woman’s provoking with a chihuahua.

Greenbean after castration


It also was the time that Greenbean came to his own. While at the veterinarians Greenbean got his own fan club. The staff and doctors praised Greenbean’s good manors, robustness, and playfulness. The groomer delighted in Greenbean’s delicate lifting of his legs to be washed. The whole staff fawned pointedly asked to include photos of him on his quest westward.


In another act of kindness from the universe was on Julia’s birthday. Her sister called to wish her a happy birthday, but did not want to come visit. Sorely hurt by her real sister’s snub, fate put in Julia’s path a person with the same name as her sister and was also a redhead. Her sister had died the year earlier and her sister’s birthday was just two days off from Julia’s own birthday. This kissmet lady and her husband helped Julia, wash five loads of laundry, pack and reconstruct the camper to a possible suitable weight. True God sends they were to Julia, the JCO, and the SE caravan. They have promised to get the internet as soon as they can.


During all these mundane encounters, Julia engages people she encounters along the way. One such time was in a rural post office with the postmaster. Though postal personnel are not allowed to express their opinions while working, the post master took the opportunity and risk convey pertinent and concerning issues about the postal system. When any one would walk in the conversation would stop or change, then return back to the conversation when they left.


While at the fish camp Julia engaged and reached out to Occupy Jackson. Occupy Jackson looked to be a vibrant occupation at one point. However, Occupy Jackson tested to be simply a façade. The research reports and white paper about Occupy Jackson is available to subscribers.


The 4th of July was upon the South East Caravan. Jackson was no longer on the agenda, Julia forged westward.


Late at night on Interstate Twenty just East of a small town called Bovina the South East Caravan had a blow out on the camper. Julia was coming up on a tractor-trailer accident and thought she heard a train, the noise was not a train, but the rim on the camper tire. She realized the blow out just past the tractor-trailer accident. She thought maybe an axle had broken. She pulled over to look and saw the shredded tire and bare rim. Then looking up, Julia realized what an incredible dangerous spot to realize a blow out. The cruiser, the camper, Greenbean, and her were just past the accident where vehicles where either still looking back or breaking speed after the accident. The camper emergency lights were not as bright as needed to capture drivers attention after all the emergency vehicles lights. Dangerous was an understatement. The first order of action was to get Greenbean out of the cruiser and not get killed herself while doing it. She went back into the cabin of the cruiser and got a bright LED hand-held light, then went to the back of the camper and flicked the light to the right in attempt to bring attention to the on coming cars that there was another road hazard to contend with after the tractor-trailer wreck. When a break in the traffic occurred she ran forward leashed up Greenbean and got him out of the cruiser.


Now Greenbean and her were safer, but still in perils way. Julia tried to capture the attention of the the highway patrol officers that were manning the tractor-trailer accident, but her light was not bring enough to bring their attention to her and Greenbean. She was going to have to abandon the camper and cruiser, leaving it to its fate with its dim hazard lights.


Greenbean was doing well enough. It was going to be a risk hiking back with him, but he was safer with her than tied to the camper or cruiser. As they hiked back, baby shoes and woman’s high heals littering the side of the interstate added to the reminder of the danger and spooked Greenbean. Once to the site of the accident, the look of surprise on the patrol men’s face was a relief and a heighten reminder of the danger. They motioned for her to cross the traffic and get closer to the rigs for safety. Julia explained to them she had a blow out on the driver’s side. That the cruiser and camper was in an extraordinary dangerous spot. That there was no driving it to safety and she was scared to change the tire without coverage to prevent another accident. They were still in a bit of disbelief that a lone woman and her dog had wandered up from the interstate with dress billowing in the wind. Do they keep her there next to them, do they send her back to her vehicle, there was really no good choices. Julia made the decision to go back and protect the cruiser and rig as best she could with the small, but bright light she had. At least they now knew she was back there.


Thank you , Mississippi Highway Patrol~

It was not long before the officers showed up on scene. They looked it over and took charge. Julia had been required to change a tire by a friend before she left. She knew she could do it and that the tools were at hand. However, it was a very dangerous location. While Julia was putting Greenbean back into her cruiser, Officer Johnson took to task of changing the tire, while Officer Watson held the light and watched traffic for errant vehicles that might crash us. Even with the flashing lights of the highway patrol cars. The whole scene was fraught with danger. Sheepishly, Julia asked, if they would get into trouble for going above and beyond duty in such manner and could she write to tell their chief how they have gone above and beyond duty. Julia wanted to take pictures. She knew take pictures or it did not happen. They said, they would not get into trouble. She snapped a few pictures, but not many because of the dangerous location. When it was said and done, they gave her their information. She could not find any of her cards. Julia was still quite scared and they all were still in a very dangerous location. They said, please send them each one to the address they gave they would very much like to have one.


Officer Johnson then took command again and said they would escort Julia to the next exit, that she was to check all her tires and to get a proper lug wrench immodestly. Julia agreed. She got herself into her driver’s seat, still a bit dazed from the danger pulled onto the highway with two highway patrol cars following.


When she reached the exit she took it and once parked looked around to wave to the officers. They were gone no where in sight. It was a busy holiday. Though Julia was an anomaly from their normal patrol, their was lots more for the officers to do before their shift was over.


Julia looked around to assess where she was. It looked to be a small, but good service station in a remote area. She checked every one of her tires, her oil, and the water. Everything needed attention. It was four in the morning before she could clear herself to sleep until dawn.


The next day she parked under a shade tree to figure out where she was and where to next. It was such a beautiful location she could have stayed there for days. It was a resort location, the people were great and lots of conversations about the Campaigns, Occupations, and the State of Affairs.


Julia Clark

This brings us up to date. Julia is in an undisclosed location with limited internet. And this time, it is truly limited, unlike Brush Creek Park. There are no bars, only a circle with a line though it with the words, “Searching For SVC” She is presently making her way westward.


Please give to the Campaign to help mobilize now because you and people like you are the supporters of The JCO’s campaigns. Every dollar helps and goes a long way. Imagine the risk, honor, and engagement that goes in to every hard-earned mile. This Campaign belongs to each and every one of you and is within your power.




South East Caravan Update

A 22 page affidavit for the USDA RD is on the table for today.
The fund raising for the South East Caravan is in limbo because of a Facebook integration issue. Donations through the Julia Clark Organization are being redirected to the NATGAT3 South East Caravan.

South East Caravan Update – NATGAT3

South East Caravan Update.
The Go Fund Me is up. Thank you Daniel Hong!
Donated Now and often because it is one way to be a part of the NATGAT3. Live vicariously!
We have flyers for the JCO/ccc journey across our great country! Which goes great with the new addition to the mobile office!
Plus a partnering announcement!