No, Mr. President I Cannot.

I respectfully decline your invitations. I have been declining them for a few months. I cannot comfortably associate with someone who is not addressing corruption in a vigorous way.

I do understand you must choose your battles.

In addition, if I had to choose between whistleblowers and health care for a nation. I would choose health care. I realize that unless health care becomes detached from corporate employment that people, including potential whistleblowers of corporate crimes, are strongly motivated to tow the corporate line. I also understand the human toll of not having heath care as a nation.

Nevertheless,  I have health care. I had to choose between health and wealth in 2002. And with such, I am less desperate for heath care. And thus I am dedicated to the cause of addressing corruption in government, contractors, conglomerates, and the likes.

Thus I respectfully decline associations with you due to my position and your unfortunate position of choice. I do not stand against you, but I cannot stand with you.

Thank you for selecting me as one of the first groups to be added to your G+ circles. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as part of the Rural Obama team. Thank you for your alliance. Thank you for your service.

I wish you well and I hope I can be of service to you again one day.

Until that day, God spede.


Julia Clark

Screen Capture from the laptop of Julia Clark. Founder of the Julia Clark Organization

Screen Capture from the laptop of Julia Clark. Founder of the Julia Clark Organization

Johnny Isakson – I will vote against the resolution to authorize a U.S. military strike in Syria.

Sen.Johnny Isakson

Sen.Johnny Isakson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dear Ms. Clark:


You have recently written in to my office regarding the use of military force in Syria, and I wanted to provide you with an update. If you do not want to receive this type of update in the future, please fill out the webform on my website and choose “DO NOT SEND ISSUE UPDATES” from the drop down topic list.


On August 21, 2013, chemical weapons were used in an attack that killed over 1,000 Syrian citizens, including women and children. President Obama asked Congress for authorization to use military action against Syria in response to this attack on August 31, 2013. I believe it is appropriate for the president to seek authorization from Congress.


The decision to use U.S. military forces is not one that I take lightly. Over the past week, I have traveled my state and have talked personally to hundreds of Georgians. Thousands more constituents have contacted my office by phone and email. It is clear to me that Georgians overwhelmingly oppose our country getting involved militarily in Syria.


After carefully weighing this very important issue, I have decided that I will vote against the resolution to authorize a U.S. military strike in Syria.


The administration’s lack of a clear strategy is troubling, and the potential fallout following a military strike is also troubling.


Thank you again for your interest in this subject. Please visit my webpage at for more information on the issues important to you and to sign up for my e-newsletter.
Johnny Isakson
United States Senator

A Rebuttle To The Article “Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth” –

Equal Opportunity, Our National Myth –

Discrimination, however, is only a small part of the picture. Probably the most important reason for lack of equality of opportunity is education: both its quantity and quality. After World War II, Europe made a major effort to democratize its education systems. We did, too, with the G.I. Bill, which extended higher education to Americans across the economic spectrum.

Education should not be equated to higher wages. Education should be equated to civic duty. It should not be uncommon for a garbage man to have advanced degrees. Yes , degrees. America needs living wages and unfettered access to educational pursuits. A healthcare system that allows mobility of workers, by unshackling the worker from the employer.

In today’s present state of the Union the GI Bill is little more than an economic draft. Moreover, the GI Bill is incredibly faraway from democratize. It is deceitful to propagandist such a ludicrous statement.The American people should not have to partake of a blood lottery simply to have an education of any means.

It does not seem, but is a reality that policies have been designed to reduce opportunity.

America is in a woeful state of affairs because corporate conglomerates, the so-called 1%) have tarnished the American name, enslaved American’s beginning with the misconception of the American dream to the American people.

After all, if you had been taught history, you would know that home ownership myth was created in a board room with the precise reason that the indebted will not rock the boat.

Knowledge is power.

The American dream has become a nightmare. It is time to do more. It is time to cull the corruption.

Join us in the Corruption Culling Campaign.